

2020: The Highs & Lows (aka Your Invitation to a Better 2021)

Seasons of Bravery Ritual & Retreat - The School of Bravery

I don't know about you, but 2020 can go take a long walk off a short pier.

The backstory... 2020 started with my attempts to distract myself from feeling dangerously raw and vulnerable. The previous year felt like a rollercoaster and I was losing trust in the world, life, people...

My mom's emergency brain surgery, glioblastoma brain cancer diagnosis, watching her learn to walk, eat, do radiation, chemo... Travel from TN to CO to TN to WY to CO to WY to TN to almost immediately leaping into 45…

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Dr. Ford - Lyric Video

On July 9th, 2018 President Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her during high school. Three other women also accused him of sexual misconduct. One woman recanted. Kavanaugh denied all accusations. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a supplemental hearing over Ford's allegations. Despite nation-wide protests, on October 6, 2018, the full Senate confirmed Kavanaugh's nomination by a vote of 50–48.…

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ACLU So Cal's Bill of Right's Gala!


I recently released my new single Dr. Ford — I've performed this song in my live sets for 2 years and every time I do, someone walks up to me after the show to thank me for playing it. It's also still an emotional challenge for me to perform without crying and breaking up the song.

So anytime a songwriter releases a new song, especially one like this, we hope it's well-received by as many people as possible. This is why I was absolutely floored and deeply honored that ACLU So Cal featured my so…

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No Hazmat Suit Required! Online Concert This Saturday!

Carmen Hultman in hazmat suit

I'd like to introduce you to Carmen Hultman.

Carmen loves hugs. She missed hugs so much during quarantine that she recently donned a hazmat suit and walked around her neighborhood with a can of Lysol so she could offer her neighbors hugs.

Carmen and her husband, Nate, also love music & music makers.

When I was mid-career change and financially struggling, my studio space was in a huge, dark, empty, and VERY COLD, unheated church sanctuary. It made practicing hard, painful, and unnecessarily d…

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Cyberstalking: Vulnerability & Power of Choice

Cyberstalking - Liner Notes Podcast -

Note: This episode might contain triggering content for some audience members.

This month in The School of Bravery we've been focusing on the bravery ingredient of POWER OF CHOICE, while last month we covered VULNERABILITY. Both topics relate to what I want to bring up with you today...


This is one of the rawest and un-edited podcast episodes I've ever published. There is crying in this episode, but you'll also hear hope and thankfully, power of choice.

I've been silent on th…

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So I went to prison & I'm definitely going back...

Brian SWilson Emily Ann

A couple weeks ago, my songwriter friend, Sarah Jane Nelson, introduced me to this organization called The Beat of Life. They have a program here in Nashville called "Redemption Songs." They pair up professional songwriters with an inmate from a nearby correctional facility during a day-long songwriting process and concert.

The goal is to use songwriting as a tool to process the feelings and events that have happened and are happening in their lives.

I was pretty nervous, having never been to …

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Seasons of Bravery: When It's the LAST Thing You Want to Do


Here's the email I just sent to my list: 

(If you're not on my email list, but want to be, click here.)

Someone from back home (Washington state) asked me the last week, "How's the book tour going?" my response was, "I'm on a book tour?!?!" Even though I've been doing really wonderful things like book readings and debut corporate speaking events while here in Atlanta, I've spent the majority of the last 6 weeks caring for my elderly grandfather -- the same grandfather I lived with for the ma…

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A Coloring Book?! Why The Hell Not?!

A Coloring Book_Why The Hell Not

This has been the general sentiment while preparing the Bare Naked Bravery podcast launch over the last couple weeks: "Why The Hell Not?!"

I mean, yes, there are always great reasons to not do anything, but when it comes to making the birth of this weekly show as big a deal as possible, I'll gladly crank it hard to the right and yell, "Why The HELL Not?!"

Part of this leads me to something which I'm floored to announce. As I was telling Siolo Thompson (one of our soon-to-be featured guests on …

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A podcast is born! Bare Naked Bravery launches August 16th!

Well, last week's news was absolute garbage, wasn't it? Everything hit me hard. I think it was all just compounded upon a month of, quite honestly, one really crappy news delivery after another.

I wrote a blog post about it.
and then I ugly cried about it live on Facebook. 

I considered taking the video down, but decided to keep it up because in light of all the recent news tragedy in the world. We really do need the rawness. and simply deleting all the pain is NOT the solution. Unjust ev…

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I'm doing an *almost* spontaneous, FREE, live concert broadcast!

If technology is on our side, I'll reach through the span of the internet and make your music-lovin' self feel like this little guy...

The show starts starts at 8:00pm EDT // 5:00pm PDT this Wednesday, June 8th.

Wherever you are in the world, you can tune in! I’ll play NEW songs, answer your questions, play some favorite cover songs, and give a taste of the new album too!

RSVP for free & get a reminder before the show starts.

Click here:

I h…

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