Seasons of Bravery: When It's the LAST Thing You Want to Do

Here's the email I just sent to my list:
(If you're not on my email list, but want to be, click here.)
Someone from back home (Washington state) asked me the last week, "How's the book tour going?" my response was, "I'm on a book tour?!?!" Even though I've been doing really wonderful things like book readings and debut corporate speaking events while here in Atlanta, I've spent the majority of the last 6 weeks caring for my elderly grandfather -- the same grandfather I lived with for the majority of last year. Only this trip was not just hard-boiling his eggs. This time I've been making his meals, giving medicine, and saying extra prayers while he stubbornly ascended and descended stairwells by himself, oh and yelling "SMALL BITES!" at the top of my lungs.
Those of you who've listened to the Bare Naked Bravery podcast for awhile know that I frequently refer to a phenomenon I call, "Seasons of Bravery" wherein there are multiple days/weeks/months that you are required to exhibit great strides and feats of bravery on a consistent basis. THIS is one of those seasons for me.
In Tuesday's email I told y'all how excited I was to be in Nashville, and I was. The break from monitoring health and crushing pills was a welcome one. I pressed "send" on that email and immediately received a text from my Atlanta family with the tragic news that my grandfather was suddenly on his way to the ICU -- after only one day of moving into assisted living.
Understandably, my trip to Nashville took a sudden turn. I sat in front of my laptop imagining what the rest of the day would look like if I were to stay on and go on to that second songwriter's circle... but I knew I wouldn't be able to make it emotionally. So I cut my trip short and drove back to Atlanta to spend the rest of the week making almost daily trips to the ICU.
Here's the thing about Seasons of Bravery: These seasons of life don't often give you the deep-seated desire to promote yourself, your business, your art. Usually, these seasons of great courage request that you to hide under the covers. (check) turn off social media. (check) binge-watch Netflix. (check) and spend time with family. (check) All of which are perfectly reasonable and healthy responses to these seasons.
But sometimes, despite your seasons of bravery, you are still required to do difficult things - like self-promotion. Here's why I've decided to NOT reschedule next week's masterclass on Overcoming Self-Promotion Anxiety -- because it is precisely these moments that make for the best opportunities to teach others how to do the same. Life has impeccable timing.
Here's what I'm planning on covering in this class:
- How to create self-promotion contingency plans (in the event of emergencies, panic attacks, depression, and other seasons of bravery)
- How to stay open-hearted and open-minded in the presence of extreme situations
- How to move forward with great hope, expectation, and determination
I would love to see you there! ---> Saturday, April 14th 2-3:30pm EST / 11-12:30pm PST
In case you can't attend live, a replay will be available for anyone who RSVP's.
I'll see you in class!
Oh - if you find yourself in your own season of bravery right now, my best and instant tip to offer you is to drink some hot chamomile tea. It's been a life-saver for me this week - that and saying "I love you" as many times as possible.
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