
"Don't Ruin Your Career Before It Starts."

Don't Ruin Your Career Before It Starts

This is @lecalethicia. She's a phenomenal harpist here this week at #Marrowstone2016. High schoolers and college students from all around the world audition to become students and symphony members under the tutelage of world-renowned faculty who also come from long distances to be here!

Every day for 14 days, the Western Washington University's performing arts building is soaked in Brahms, Bach, Tchaikovsky, and more. There are more kids than practice rooms. and the music and rehearsal schedule…

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A Coloring Book?! Why The Hell Not?!

A Coloring Book_Why The Hell Not

This has been the general sentiment while preparing the Bare Naked Bravery podcast launch over the last couple weeks: "Why The Hell Not?!"

I mean, yes, there are always great reasons to not do anything, but when it comes to making the birth of this weekly show as big a deal as possible, I'll gladly crank it hard to the right and yell, "Why The HELL Not?!"

Part of this leads me to something which I'm floored to announce. As I was telling Siolo Thompson (one of our soon-to-be featured guests on …

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A podcast is born! Bare Naked Bravery launches August 16th!

Well, last week's news was absolute garbage, wasn't it? Everything hit me hard. I think it was all just compounded upon a month of, quite honestly, one really crappy news delivery after another.

I wrote a blog post about it.
and then I ugly cried about it live on Facebook. 

I considered taking the video down, but decided to keep it up because in light of all the recent news tragedy in the world. We really do need the rawness. and simply deleting all the pain is NOT the solution. Unjust ev…

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Why We Need Bravery Today...


This is a hard blog post to write.

I've been feeling really rough lately.

At first, I thought it was my incessant "artist struggle" to get bills paid and pour myself out for all to see. I thought maybe it's that gosh-darned low grade depression which follows me around from time to time... (It very well might be.)

But as the gloom presses down upon me further and further, my detective-brain hunts furiously to get to the bottom of it. Perhaps it's just the continued life changes I've endur…

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Present Darkness, Hopeful Distance

Present Darkness, Hopeful Distance

This may not be what the sky looks like tonight (it's from a couple nights ago) but it's how I feel right now. 

As a sophomore in college I spent over a semester living in Ankara, Turkey.

My time there was filled with *way* more serious things than your typical study abroad shenanigans. Turkey happened in the midst of my first year in recovery from my eating disorder. It was my first months of Prozac. It held an attempt at forgiveness. It broke down a lot (all?) of my internal barriers against…

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Artists Who Take Terrible Care of Themselves Make Terrible Art.

Artists Who Take Terrible Care of Themselves Make Terrible Art

And by “terrible art” I mean absolutely NO art. Zilch. Zero. Nada. This week was a perfect example of exactly that.

To be quite honest, this week I was scrambling around like a runt duckling running behind his speedy family (or at least that’s what it felt like.)

Do you ever have those days when the words, “I just can’t catch a break, can I?” cross your lips more than 5 times? or 10? or 20?

To honor the theme of 2016 (Do it *your* way,) I’m finding that *my* way is often slower and more cauti…

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The "Other" Seattle Skyline & Father's Day Attribution

The other Seattle Skyline & Father's Day Attribution

Not many people get to see the "other" Seattle skyline: ferris wheel, stadiums, port paraphernalia, and Mt Rainier.

I got to call my dad while looking at this view sitting in traffic on my way home from teaching music.

My dad's a teacher too - a professor who wears bow ties, elbow patches, and gives exorbitantly long answers to simple questions. He's the one who taught me how to ask questions, sell lemonade, and be a feminist #girlboss.

My dad's pretty great.

Happy Father's Y'all!

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Concert Window: Songs in a Stairwell (aka to the Moon and Back!)

For the past 2 weeks, I've had the honor of doing a little mini artist residency up here in Seattle. So yesterday I took advantage of the perfect lighting and acoustics in a stairwell by *almost* spontaneously giving a little concert via the killer website, Concert Window!

These shows are always so crazy. It blows my mind that I can press a couple buttons and send myself to the moon and back down for ANYONE, ANYWHERE to see! If you've never experienced a show via Concert Window, they're super c…

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I'm doing an *almost* spontaneous, FREE, live concert broadcast!

If technology is on our side, I'll reach through the span of the internet and make your music-lovin' self feel like this little guy...

The show starts starts at 8:00pm EDT // 5:00pm PDT this Wednesday, June 8th.

Wherever you are in the world, you can tune in! I’ll play NEW songs, answer your questions, play some favorite cover songs, and give a taste of the new album too!

RSVP for free & get a reminder before the show starts.

Click here:

I h…

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A Baby Music School Turns 1!

A Baby Music School Turns 1

I love this photo so much.

It's the visual embodiment of what it's like to be a part of a recital with the Coda School of Music. Teachers laughing, kids trying to look super cool, big smiles, and so much love. 

For those of you that don't know, my friend Lacey Brown and I started a community music school with another friend Ivar Hillesland. Earlier this month, we completed our first year of official nonprofit-ness and also therefore (successfully) submitted our first round of nonprofit taxes. …

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