Why I Pinched Myself 20 Times Yesterday...
There's a reason business managers spend a lot of time on the subject of hiring - The people you surround yourself with can either make or break you.
Headphones. Check. Americano. Check. Drums. Check. Let's go!
Eric "Cool Fingers, Brah" Howk
These songs are already so much more alive than I could've ever imagined, it's hard for me to imagine how much better things could get with the remainder of this week.
Toms at an octave! Aaron at a 10.
I must've pinched myself like 20 times yesterday.
Even though that damn microphone got in the way of Eric's face, there has clearly been a lot of laughter happening.
What an honor it is to sit back and watch these songs fully step into themselves...
I imagine it's what a parent must feel like to watch their child become an esteemed bug scientist or a genius computer programmer. "Oh! That's what you wanted to grow up to become! Well okay! Awesome!"
Behold! The most Metal egg shaker in all the land!
On the docket for the rest of the week, more guitar, bassoon, and strings!
Look at my face. LOOK at it. Sheer elation.
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