Prompt: You are born into a world where love doesn't exist.

This week's (song)writing prompt...

You are born into a world where love doesn't exist. At the age of 16 you meet someone & become the first person ever to experience this emotion.

  Prompt-You are born into a world where love doesn't exist.png  

Further Prompt Challenge: Imagine a world where love does not exist, on your 16th birthday you meet someone and become the first person ever to experience this emotion. How is the world different than it is today? What is the most common motivator of life? What does it feel like to feel love for the first time? Feel good? Does it hurt just a little? What is this other person like? What do they say to you? Do they feel it too? Is it contagious? or just one-sided?

Check out what the Reddit community came up with!

(& If you just can't get enough prompting, apply the The Muse's Plot Spline, Struxxture, LyriCloud, and Titular tools to this prompt too!)

Feel free to share what you came up with in the comments below!


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